Administration and Governance
Board of directors
Foundation > Administration and Governance
It is the main governance body which the “founding members” of the Foundation are part of. It is led by the President of the Foundation, assisted by a Vice President. Its members can range up to a maximum of five. The Board of Directors’ term of office is three years.
The current Board of Directors is in office as of February 2013, and is formed as follows:
- President:
Mr. Riccardo MASSARI, also Legal Representative of the Foundation; - Other Members:
Prof. Carlo Federico PERNO M.D. (Vice President), in charge of scientific activities;
Mrs. Francesca Romana PONZIANI, in charge of external relations.
Scientific Committee
It is the advisory body of scientific nature that supports and assists the Board of Directors in determining the guidelines and in scientifically examining the projects and research initiatives carried out by the Foundation. The members of the Committee (the number of whom may change) and its Chairman are appointed by the Board of Directors every three years.
The current Scientific Committee is chaired by Prof. Carlo Federico PERNO (M.D.).
Board of Auditors
It is the supervisory body of the Foundation; three members are part of it, including the president, who is selected from them. They are appointed by the Board of Directors and are chosen among those who are in possession of the legal integrity and professionalism requirements for exercising statutory auditing. The current Board is in office as of February 2013 for three years. It is formed as follows:
- President:
Mr. Vito CODACCI PISANELLI (Attorney and Accountant) - Other Auditors:
Mr. Andrea MARUFFI (Accountant)
Mrs. Micaela FREDA (Accountant)