About Us (at a glance)
Foundation > About Us
The Italian Foundation for Antiviral Studies and Research (briefly AVIRALIA FOUNDATION) is a nonprofit social utility organization (briefly ‘Onlus’) established in February 2010 after the previous Italian Association for Antiviral Studies and Research, with the aim of developing and promoting medical and scientific research (in Italy and abroad) in virus-related human diseases.
The Foundation’s registered office is in Viale dei Quattro Venti, 238 – (00152) Rome (Italy)
- Tax Code and VAT : 10823161004
- Tel.: +39 06 58230275
- Fax: +39 06 58201036
- Email: info@aviraliafoundation.org
The Foundation is regularly enrolled:
- As of March 19, 2010 with no. 19771 at Anagrafe delle Onlus at Direzione Regionale del Lazio dell’Agenzia delle Entrate;
- As of June 24, 2010 with no. 723/2010 at Registro delle Persone Giuridiche held at U.T.G. in Rome.